The availability of different resources to help you to learn a new language has grown vastly. As the need to integrate language training into workplaces, hospitals, and learning centers has increased, the more available learning a new language has...
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The 5 Common Translation Mistakes to Avoid at your Company
Companies that compete in the global business space rely on translators to overcome language barriers and reach a wider audience. However, companies often make common translation mistakes that can lead to disastrous results. These mistakes usually...
4 Reasons Why Quality Assessment in Translation Is So Important
In dealing with any type of translation project, it’s pretty normal to expect a good quality product by the end of the process. However, language offers different challenges since you have to judge it in different ways depending on the metrics...
5 Proven Ways Corporate Language Training Improves Employee Engagement
In order for any company to compete in a domestic or global market, it must have the right tools and qualities. Generally, this includes a great leadership team, strong finances, and a clear marketing strategy. But the key to ensuring the company...
The Ways Language Training Improves Employee Performance
In the global marketplace today, attaining top employee performance is based on employees being able to communicate effectively and clearly to help achieve overall corporate goals. In order for businesses to excel there is now an increased demand...
Recruiting Talent Through English Courses
Companies often have an idea of the return on investment they expect to receive when investing in online English courses. However, one by-product that is often overlooked is the potential to discover existing talent that may not otherwise have...
Using the Right Language to Communicate ROI in Online Learning Courses
In my previous blog post, Maintaining Communication with Management throughout Online Learning Courses, I suggested instructors taking into consideration the frequency of their communication, balance of positive to negative feedback, and the weight...
What Are Your Language Strategy Goals?
Whether you’re a global merchandiser competing for business around the world or a local business with employees from different cultural backgrounds, the goals of your language strategy should follow a common theme. A language strategy is what you...
Maintaining Communication with Management Throughout Online Learning Courses
With the presence of online learning courses in a variety of industries comes the need for instructors to adapt to a wide variety of company cultures. A comfortable level of understanding of a company’s culture takes time, and a considerable amount...