Choosing the Best Language Program

by | Language Training

When choosing a vendor for your a language program at your company, there are many topics that should be discussed. Being prepared with questions ahead of time will help you make sure you have a full understanding of the features and benefits of programs being offered. Pre-planned questions make for good discussion points and can be the basis for understanding. Developing clear answers to these questions ahead of time will help you further define your language program and present yourself as a credible education and training vendor.

1) How much will a workplace Spanish, ESL, or other language program cost?

2) How long does the training take?

3) What can the company expect as outcomes?

4) What specific results will you guarantee?

5) What involvement will be required from the company?

6) What is the return on investment for the company?

7) Will on-site workplace Spanish or ESL help worker retention?

8) Is there curriculum already developed?

What you should expect from your language program vendor

1) Help in formulating realistic measurement of program results. Results might include test score improvement, willingness of students to be cross-trained, better attendance on the job, speaking up at meetings, reduction in time spent answering questions, reduction in turnover.

2) Suggestions for how the company can reinforce what is being taught in class.

3) An invitation to visit the classroom. For the program to be successful, the company must be involved.

4) Regular information throughout the life of the program about progress and issues

A language program that addresses the needs of the specific workplace will be most successful. For employees, learning job-specific English not only allows them to improve their productivity, but also gives them the hope for future advancement. In all cases relationships improve and there is less stress in the workplace.

Click here for more information about language programs from Workplace Languages.

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