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At Workplace Languages, we’re committed to helping you close the communication gap in your company. Browse the article archives in our blog to find valuable information on improving communication in a multilingual workforce, language training, translations, and much more. Use the form at the right to subscribe to our email list to receive new articles as they’re published. If you have a comment on an article, or an idea for a new article, please contact us.

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The Advantages of 1-on-1 Language Coaching

The Advantages of 1-on-1 Language Coaching

Learning a new language is no easy task; whether you’re starting out as brand new to a language or have some prior learning experience, a 1-on-1 language coach can unlock the most effective way to support your endeavor. Learning a language in a...

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The Advantages of Speaking Only English in ESL Classes

The Advantages of Speaking Only English in ESL Classes

English is one of the most important languages to learn when communicating with people internationally. It’s a globally used language where it’s estimated at least 1.35 billion people speak native and non-native English. Being able to communicate...

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5 Advantages of Learning a New Language Online

5 Advantages of Learning a New Language Online

Learning a new language is a complex skill but doing so can be a rewarding experience connecting you with others socially and culturally. Our brains are adaptable and flexible, which allows us to learn a new language at any age. Technology has...

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5 Tips for Excellent Translation Quality

5 Tips for Excellent Translation Quality

We’ve all seen terrible translations that are barely comprehensible and unenjoyable to read, but there are ways to produce excellent translation quality even if you’re not completely fluent in the language. #1 Find a Native Speaker to Help It...

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