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At Workplace Languages, we’re committed to helping you close the communication gap in your company. Browse the article archives in our blog to find valuable information on improving communication in a multilingual workforce, language training, translations, and much more. Use the form at the right to subscribe to our email list to receive new articles as they’re published. If you have a comment on an article, or an idea for a new article, please contact us.

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Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Translation Services

Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Translation Services

As companies grow and expand their services internationally, they will likely need professional translation services. Depending on their situation, many companies might weigh up the options of hiring an in-house translator versus finding a company...

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How Subtitling Services Empower Businesses

How Subtitling Services Empower Businesses

Imagine a world where your brand's message transcends borders, captivating audiences with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and inspiring them to become loyal customers and advocates. This global success story is within reach, and the...

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Top 10 Tips for a Successful Language Program

Top 10 Tips for a Successful Language Program

Having a multicultural workforce is a huge asset in the global business world. As more companies look to diversify their workforce to ensure these employees excel, a successful corporate language program is important to help close the gap in...

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Why You Need a Translation Process

Why You Need a Translation Process

Translation process is part art, part science. The act of translating a word, phrase, or sentence can seem straightforward, especially today when there’s an app for everything. Just like in every science, though, there are nuances within the...

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5 Reasons Immersion Language Training Works

5 Reasons Immersion Language Training Works

Learning a new language can be intimidating, and for good reason – it’s a tough job! Fortunately, though, it doesn’t have to be as big of a challenge or as time consuming as you think. We’ve talked before about focusing on the practical application...

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Spanish Basics are Different for Everyone

Spanish Basics are Different for Everyone

What are the Spanish basics you need to be more productive in your workplace? The answer is… it depends. The right way to learn (and teach) Spanish is to create a customized learning path based on a student’s industry, workplace demands, and...

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